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What's Going On?

At our church congregational life is not just one person, but many people working together as a team to develop meaningful ways for us to connect, to develop a deeper sense of community and to grow in our spiritual relationship with God. We are blessed to have many people with special gifts and abilities to enrich the fabric of church life.


Our Worship Service is a joyful experience with Special Music, a Children’s Moment, Scripture Reading, Prayer, and Message. We also celebrate The Lord's Supper every week.

Times of Fellowship

Our Congregational Life Ministry organizes special events 3 times a year, for us to share a meal together. Fellowship and relationship building are at the core of who we are.

Children, Youth and Family Activities

We realize children are not just the future of the church but they are the present as well. We want to foster their faith development and journey with them as they grow in their relationship with God.

Monthly Church Prayer & Fellowship Breakfast

We meet on the 4th Saturday of each month, except December, at the Roanoker restaurant.

Craig Springs Camp and Conference Center

Our youth and adults participate in the camping and outdoor ministry of the Virginia Region at Craig Springs Christian Camp. Craig Springs is located in far western Virginia in Craig County. It is a beautiful place in the mountains where one can escape the world and experience God's presence in a new and powerful way. There are camps for all different ages as well as Nature Camp for inner city youth and Special Camp for those with special needs. There are also many volunteer opportunities either as staff for a specific camp or doing work on site.

Using our facility:

Boones Mill Garden Club

"The Purpose of this club shall be to foster the development of gardens; to stimulate interest in artistic design of plant material and the culture and study of flowers; to encourage civic planting and conservation of natural resources; and to aid, where possible in the protection of native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and birds."

The Boones Mill Garden Club was founded by Winifred Garst in 1972 and became part of the Virginia Federation of Garden Clubs in 1973. Current club projects include funding scholarships for students to attend nature camp at the Phoebe Needles Center, maintaining the club's memorial garden in Boones Mill, decorating the town sign and Christmas tree, annual participation in the Apple Festival, holding an annual plant sale at the Rocky Mount Farmers Market, planting flower beds for the Perinatal Center in Rocky Mount, and planting annuals in the planters at the Franklin County Library in Rocky Mount. Meetings are normally held on the fourth Tuesday at 7:00pm at Boones Mill Christian Church unless noted otherwise. For more information, contact club president, Dixie Shearer, at 483-5015.


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